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Touchless Coffee Vending Machine

Coffee Love

A touchless coffee vending machine idea designed and developed for the world post pandemic, where touching any public device will be considered unhygienic. This coffee machine caters your need without you ever being touching it, in-fact it provides you with an exciting gesture controlled interactive menu to pour yourself just the right cup of coffee, whenever you like. That means no more letting those precious hands touch the buttons of a machine that has been touched by many others and jeopardizing yourself or others to the fear of pandemic.

The virtual prototype has been made with the help of Unity and controlled with Leap Motion Controller.

The design consists of:
° Coffee Vending Machine.
° Touchless push button (activate/ready the machine)
° Hot/Cold coffee menu
° Rotating knob (For selecting the choice of coffee)
° Hot coffee choice menu
° Cold coffee choice menu
° Menu selection to confirm

The idea is for the beverage for the beverage industry to replace the current machines that use touch/hard buttons to cater the needs of beverage lovers. The Touchless Coffee Vending Machine will be able to replace old technology to the new one at our:​

1) Offices

2) Multiplexes

3) Restaurants

4) Luxury Kitchens in hotels/home etc

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